

🌱An Illustration Of Faith

Faith comes from hearing, listening to His Word.


🌱God Is With Us, God Is Love

His love is what we’ve all been searching for


🌱Fantasy Is Like Quicksand

Indulging in fantasy – movies, books, games, etc – is spiritually dangerous.


🌱Say “No” To The Traditions Of Men

All organized religion that emphasizes obedience to its own ordinances over following God’s Word, and relationship with Christ, is hollow. The Precepts of Men is a dangerous thing. Like this, but shorter –


🌱Learning To Serve

I learned more about human nature, and life in general, through all those retail jobs, than the actual work at hand (that I was getting paid to do.)


🌱Double Trouble

A possible hidden danger with breast implants


🌱my personal thoughts on vanity


🌱A Mental Prison, Jesus Holds The Key

Jesus not only holds the key, but he IS the key. 

He loves you and He will set you free.


🌱Old Lady With A Shotgun

A dangerous surprise awaited us, on our charitable mission

that day in 1989.


🌱The Bookmarks

When I tried to sell handmade bookmarks, and what I learned

about financially profiting from God’s Word. (it’s not ok)


🌱The Flashlight

You know you’re weird when you get strange looks from people like the guy I mention here. I mean, he was the one living under the bridge, and I was the so-called normal one. Yet, when we pulled up next to him to hand him his flashlight, he looked a little bit suspiciously at us…


🌱When God Healed My Cat – 1987

One of the first miracles that happened right after I asked Jesus

to come into my heart, when I was 17.


🌱Choosing Humility

the victories of the world are different from the real victories of life, and the things the world tells us to be proud of are nothing, when measured with eternity…


🌱Keep Your Eye On The Goal

Keeping things in proper perspective, in these end times


🌱Single Parenting

This recording only touches the tip of the iceberg in the Sea Of Complications, when raising a child/children on a limited income.


🌱Praying For A Hedge Of Protection


🌱Deeper Still


🌱Don’t Denomination Me


🌱Try Jesus


🌱How do you follow Jesus?

🔘audio only





🌱When The Money Runs Out

The point of this one is the economy, and how I perceive the changes happening. How people adjust and adapt to an unstable time. I see not only the negative, but the hope. How hearts can change for the better when things take a turn for the worse.


🔘audio only

🌱Car Stories

I don’t drive anymore, what with now being wheelchair-bound & all that entails. So no more close encounters with death, on the road. I could’ve included a few more stories on this audio, such as, but not limited to, the time I passed a nitrous oxide filled balloon to the guy who was driving … he passed out, causing our car to veer off the road, almost tumbling off the hill onto the highway below – stopped only by a guardrail that began just as he passed out. The car was sliced open from front to back, metal ripping, screeching and tearing, till the car finally came to a stop. The driver woke, wondering what happened, and there I sat in the backseat, with his brother and some other friends, realizing I nearly got us all killed. I was 16. Passing out with nitrous, thought it was fun… 

Yeah I was sort of dingy. Then, stuff kept on happening, even when I WASN’T being dumb. Near-misses seem to like me.

more (spiritual) stories –


🌱Don’t go crazy – go to Jesus

🔘audio only


Isaiah 26:3 

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.


🌱It’s ok to be sad

🔘audio only



🌱When You’re Ready To Receive Jesus

🔘audio only



🌱Come out of the world

🔘audio only



🌱For if we sin wilfully

🔘audio only


Hebrews 10:26-31 

26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,

27 But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.

28 He that despised Moses’ law died without mercy under two or three witnesses:

29 Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?

30 For we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge his people.

31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.


🌱My Christian Walk

🔘part 1 audio only

🔘part 2 audio only

🔘part 3 audio only

🔘part 4 audio only

🔘part 5 audio only

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

The best decision I ever made.

This is how I was saved, in 1987. I was 17, almost 18. It was the beginning of my senior year. I was at school one day, and got a note from the office that said, “leave class, come to my work.” It was from my mom.

So I left school early that day and went to her work, went in, found her with a look of urgency on her face. She had been crying. She said, “Amy, Amy, I have to talk to you, sit down.” I really thought someone had died by the sound of her voice. She then told me about Jesus, of all things! She witnessed to me! Out of the blue, especially for my family, in the 1980s. What on earth? We never really talked about God, and the only religious instruction I ever got was when in catholic school in the 70’s. And that was never about Jesus. So I had no idea where her sense of urgency was coming from. But I listened to her. She told me that Jesus was the Son of God, and that it wasn’t enough just to believe in God. I needed to believe that Jesus came to earth and died on the cross for my sins. I needed to repent of all my sins, and ask Him to forgive me. And I needed to ask Jesus to come into my heart and be my Savior, and begin a relationship with Him, and that I needed to “go home and do this right now.” I told her I would, and I did. That September day in 1987, I drove home, I was alone, my siblings were still in school and my dad still at work. I went in my room, knelt down at the foot of my bed, and did just what my mom told me to do.

I had never really prayed before, not like this, just simple saying grace before eating (at other people’s houses) and reciting the prayers taught us in catholic school.

As I knelt down and began to pray, I was overcome with chills, a beautiful warm sensation poured over me, starting at the top of my head, covering me. I felt the presence of Jesus for the first time in my life in that moment. I was saved.

When my mom came home later, she told me what happened.

An employee of hers couldn’t work on Wednesday nights due to Bible Study, and this began to inconvenience my mom, until finally my mom inquired as to why this was so important to her. The woman answered, and ended up witnessing to my mom, and my mom got saved. She said the first thing she felt impressed on her heart, was to pass the information on to me. I was saved on the same day as my mom, I think. 

The first thing I did, later that same evening, was witness to my 8 year old little brother, then, my little sister. My mom said she also witnessed to my older sister during that same time. So Jesus came to my family in the Fall of 1987. My life hasn’t been the same since.

This is how I got saved. ♥

about me …

🔘“all my jobs”

🔘“all my homes”

🔘school years

🔘childhood stories

     ↪️corrective shoes

     ↪️elementary school

     ↪️my own shoes

     ↪️the f word